This demo will convert up to 25 documents. To continue using Terry Morse Myrmdion after the evaluation period is over, please see our web site: or use the enclosed FAX order form.
The latest 2.0 Users Guide has been posted to our web site. The accompanying file entitled "Myrmidon_2.0_Guide.HTML" will open the guide. Double-clicking the file will open it in Netscape Navigator. As an option, you can copy the guide from our web site to your local hard disk.
Quick Install Instructions
The installer will load the files necessary for you to use Terry Morse Myrmidon. After the installer finishes, you should do the following:
1. Open the Chooser, select the Myrmidon Chooser extension, and close the Chooser.
2. Open any document you wish (the one you're reading, for example) and choose the "Page Setup" command. You'll find all of Terry Morse Myrmidon's conversion options in this dialog. Hint: Myrmidon contains extensive balloon help. Turning balloon help on will help you learn about all the conversion settings.
3. Print the document. You will end up with a series of HTML pages, GIF or JPEG images. By default the creator of the HTML pages is Netscape Navigator, so the document will automatically open in Netscape Navigator. You can change this behavior in the "Page Setup" dialog.
Thanks for purchasing Terry Morse Myrmidon 2.0. We believe it represents the future of Web publishing. I hope you agree. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to send me e-mail at <>.